Down with NeoPotism - by Daniel Robison

According to this Spanish-language blog post, “the Chepete-Bala mega dams, which with more than 7 billion dollars would double the national debt at a stroke.” In December, the vice president announced in Achacachi that the energy of these dams would be to sell to Brazil and Chile “at a very good price” [24] although the prefeasibility studies did not study possible markets [25] . (The vice also indicated, in a potistic way, that those who oppose the idea would be traitors to the homeland). [26] While these studies have been handled as TOP SECRET reports have been leaked. According to the Italian consulting firm GEODATA, the energy that Chepete would generate could cost a minimum of 55 dollars MWh after about 10 - 15 years of construction and more than 7,000 million dollars of investment, without thinking about possible delays or surcharges. They recommend postponing El Bala since its energy production would cost $ 81 per MWh. They believe that for Chepete it would be profitable they would have to sell the energy at 70 MWh dollars for 50 years [27] .

Compare this data with the reality of energy supply and demand. Chile has in its territory the Atacama Desert, which in its upper parts supposedly has the greatest potential per m 2 for solar energy in the world [28] . In 2016, Chile made an international tender and hired a Spanish company [29] to produce solar electricity at $ 29.1 MWh [30] , [31] . In other words, a company has offered, and has been hired, to generate electricity to sell in Chile for $ 29, already with its profit included. This price would have been a world record for the lowest price for commercial electricity, because prices are going down. Proof of this is that they have just signed a contract in Mexico with an Italian company to generate wind power at 17.7 MWh dollars [32] , that is, this result is being reproduced elsewhere. Who believes that Chile is going to buy electricity from Bolivia at 55 dollars in 2028 (Chepete) or 81 dollars in 2040 (Bala) when today it already got 29 dollars in its own territory, and has a whole desert to expand? In Brazil there are also great efforts to produce wind and solar energy, where prices of all types of generation already average $ 52 and are decreasing [33] . Why would they buy Bolivia at 70 dollars for 50 years?

You can read the rest of this Spanish-language blog post here.